SERVPRO of North Knoxville Event Photos

Groundbreaking for local fire service
SERVPRO of North Knoxville has partnered with Rural Metro Fire Department on many occasions. They are a subscription-based service and count on the community to support them. They recently had a groundbreaking ceremony that was very well attending. We set up our table to show our unity with Rural Metro.

Trunk or Treat 2017
SERVPRO of North Knoxville set up our marketing van and passed out candy at this year's Broadway community trunk or treat.

Halls High School
SERVPRO of North Knoxville is a sideline sponsor of the Halls High School football team. This provided us the opportunity to set up our table near the entrance gate. We were able to say hello to everyone coming through the gate and tell people about our services.

Schmoozapalooza 2017
This year we teamed up with Rural Metro Fire Department to be a presenting sponsor for this fantastic Chamber of Commerce event.
Recruit Academy Graduation
We proudly support our fire fighters in our community!

Schmooz-A-Palooza 2015
Proud to show our support our support at the Knoxville Chamber's Schmooz-A-Palooza 2015!
Schmooz-A-Palooza 2015
Our SERVPRO Superheros at Schmooz-A-Palooza hosted by the Knoxville Chamber!